This is my Resume / Curriculum Vitae
Product Designer & Web Art director
I currently live in Paris, France.
I'm mainly known as edenpulse online.
My motto : Keep it simple, stupid.
I'm available for work!
I am passionate about the creative alliance of technology and design.
I focus on keeping things clean, simple and elegant on websites, apps or visual identities I design.
I think that in terms of design, simplification is the ultimate sophistication.
The user experience is at the center of my design process.
I upload most of my work and work in progress to Dribbble.
You can see shots of design stuff I've worked on and many concepts.
My personnal blog. It covers quick computer tips, technology, design and web things.
That's my portfolio, you can see there a selection of my best works. (currently under construction)
Here I write about personnal thinkings and random thoughts
Réconcilier les développeurs et designers autour d'un thème WordPress w/ Geoffrey Crofte
View the slides
I've been doing various things on the web for the last 8 years
and had the pleasure to work at :
In charge of all the look and feel of all websites and products of the company
Designed many websites for various clients, from small companies to national institutions
I designed and developped many websites for various clients.
I learned there how to plan communication, marketing strategies, visual and graphical techniques
I learned many web programming languages including Javascript and PHP, basics of network administration.
Feel free to contact me if you have a project, or questions
Email me
Language Switcher
I speak english — Je parle français